Category: Transylvania

  • The Enchanting Panorama of Sighisoara

    The Enchanting Panorama of Sighisoara

    Since the city is surrounded by taller hills, a nice vantage point over the city of Sighisoara can be found on the top of a larger hill right behind the train station. You can easily get there by car. This is one of the best places to admire the beautiful panorama of the city because…

  • What To Visit In The Land of Hateg

    What To Visit In The Land of Hateg

    Located in the southwestern part of the historical region of Transylvania, the Land of Hateg offers many things to explore and discover for tourists. Honestly, I found myself captivated by the picturesque landscapes, ancient castles, and warm hospitality. In this article, I will take you on a virtual tour of some of the must-visit destinations…

  • Sighisoara Medieval Citadel: A Must-Visit Destination in Transylvania

    Sighisoara Medieval Citadel: A Must-Visit Destination in Transylvania

    The medieval citadel of Sighișoara is an inhabited citadel located in the historical region of Transylvania. To be more precise, it’s located almost in the center of Romania. Sighisoara is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a unique and enchanting experience. This charming town offers a journey back in medieval times, where every corner is…

  • The Village of Viscri, Transylvania – A Place I Visited

    The Village of Viscri, Transylvania – A Place I Visited

    Located in the historical region of Transylvania, not far from the inhabited medieval citadel of Sighisoara, Viscri in another important Saxon village that must be visited. One of the primary reasons for its renown is the well-preserved Lutheran fortified church located in the heart of the village. This fortified church, built by the Saxon community,…

  • Explore The Transylvanian Village of Biertan

    Explore The Transylvanian Village of Biertan

    The village of Biertan is another important objective located in the heart of the historical region of Transylvania. Almost in the middle of the village you will find the old medieval fortified church. Also it’s important to mention that this village it’s closely tied to the Transylvanian Saxons, a group of German people who settled…

  • The Rupea Fortress In Romania

    The Rupea Fortress In Romania

    The Rupea fortress is located in the heart of the historical region of Transylvania, Romania. Since it was built on a larger cliff close to the city of Rupea, it is visible from every direction and you cannot miss it if you plan to visit it. There is even a larger parking lot next to…

  • The Săvârșin Castle in the Mureș Valley

    The Săvârșin Castle in the Mureș Valley

    Another important objective to visit in the Mureș valley is the Royal Castle located in the commune of Săvârșin. It’s about an hour of driving away from Radna if you drive towards Deva. The Royal Domain was owned by King Michael I of Romania. In order to visit the park you will have to pay…